Dr Andrew Stoeckel
Honorary Professor, CAMA, Australian National University
Andrew Stoeckel is a Honorary Professor at the Australian National University at the Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA). Before that he was the Founding Chairman of TheCIE, a private economics research consultancy which he set up in 1986 with his colleague Dr Andy Cuthbertson and later David Vincent. The Centre is based in Canberra and has an office in Sydney. He joined CAMA as a Visiting Fellow in 2008.
He is one of Australia’s leading economists and received his PhD from Duke University in 1978. His thesis was to analyse Australia’s mineral boom of the seventies. He is a specialist in trade policy analysis and the global macro-economy. From 1981–86 he was the head of the (then) Bureau of Agricultural Economics in Canberra — the largest economic research agency in Australia. He has initiated and directed programs of research on international trade that received world acclaim. He has over thirty publications to his credit.
Andrew is a member of the NSW Innovation Council and was recently the Chairman of the NSW Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel.
He is currently researching developments in trade policy. His latest publication is “Rebuilding the World Trading System”.